Atamira Dance Company
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Atamira Dance Company encompasses and uplifts the voices of acclaimed choreographers and long -time collaborators, Bianca Hyslop and Eddie Elliott in this unique and powerful double bill KA MUA KA MURI.

Derived from and inspired by, the whakatauki Kia whakatōmuri te haere whakamua, KA MUA KA MURI relates to Māori perspectives of time where the past, present and the future are intertwined, offering a contemporary dance experience that explores both the significance of whakapapa while defining new aspirations for the future.

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Remain by Eddie Elliott (Ngāti Maniapoto) explores the continuity and vitality of whakapapa, tikanga, and a deep connection to Tūpuna, emphasizing the importance of preserving these cultural foundations to honor the past, understand the present, and shape a promising future for rangatahi.

Whakamaheahea by Bianca Hyslop (Te Arawa) showcases urban Māori experiences by transcending loss-based narratives, embracing multifaceted identities that encompass divine, ancestral, and human elements, and weaving stories of empowerment, transformation, and resilience to inspire a brighter collective future. 

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By intertwining these perspectives, this collaboration offers a holistic view of the continuum of cultural identity. Hyslop’s focus on the future provides a lens through which to envision how the values, customs, and knowledge preserved in Elliott’s work will be carried forward and adapted by future generations. Similarly, Elliott’s exploration of the past grounds Hyslop’s forward-looking perspective, highlighting the deep roots and enduring relevance of te ira tangata.

Bound together by a stellar design team, a cast of dynamic Māori dance artists and the high-quality production values that Atamira is known for, this double bill, full of energy and heart, invites audiences to experience a transformative hour where tradition collides with innovation, and past, present, and future converge on stage.

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‘As Artistic Manager I sit in the centre of these two works to support each choreographic vision with my eyes on both the legacy of Atamira and the continued drive to push boundaries of Māori Contemporary Dance to inspire and uplift the community.’ Kelly Nash

It is very exciting to welcome Bianca and Eddie back into the whare of Atamira to work with our collaborative and unique dancers. Having each made 2 significant works as independent choreographers over the last 6 years, we anticipate that this side-by-side collaboration will offer audiences an innovative arts experience”. Executive Director Marama Lloydd

Show poster
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Sunday Star Times - Bianca Hyslop
Sunday Star times - Madi Tumataroa